About Us

We firmly believe in the social and economic role of insurance as an instrument of protection and risk management, and in the responsibility we have in protecting each Person, Family, Company or Institution.

The 50 years of accumulated experience in the insurance sector give us credibility, knowledge and skills that differentiate us.

We design coverage solutions for all types of risks, from the most generic (health, property, engine, workers compensation, golf,…), to the most complex and innovative (plastic art, expensive automobiles, cyber risks, D&O/Directors & Officers, technology, E&O/Errors & Omissions, contingencies, premium compensation, MotorSports, etc.), working together international insurers that are dedicated to specialty risks.

Global Partners

Our worldwide operations are the result of partnerships and their own physical presense:

Why Choose Us

Our Independence and Professionalism, Your Peace of Mind

In the interest of our Clients, we ensure full independence from insurers, both national or international insurers, even not present in Portugal, but legally authorized to cover risks located in the national territory.

Attesting our degree of commitment and professionalism, we own a professional liability insurance policy, with no track of claims record until today and for the safety and trust of our clients.

Company Information

By Appointment : Av Liberdade 110, 1°

 1269 – 046 Lisboa


Business Center Leonardo Da Vinci

Pargque Techologico de Coimbra

3040-540 Antanhol (Coimbra)


Italian Trulli

Working Hours

09:30 - 13:00 | 14:00 - 17:30